Automating Time Intensive Clinician Compliance Requirement

A $13B health system needed to comply with state-controlled substance abuse legislation and protect clinicians from loss of their professional licenses.
An automated script within each clinician’s virtual desktop that performed the lookup and returned results for the clinician to review, interpret and act on.
Reduced the administrative burden on clinicians by a hundredfold, thereby creating more time to care for the patient.
Educated our client’s IT team on a new innovation that they could apply to future use cases.
The Business Challenge
Recent California state legislation requires that all prescribing clinicians perform a lookup on the state CURES database prior to prescribing or administering a controlled substance. This was problematic for the client because it resulted in creating inefficiency in the clinicians’ workflow (due to an additional step, multiple clicks outside of the medical record, as well as frequently forgotten CURES database login information). Additionally, if the clinician did not perform the lookup, they were at risk of losing their license.
A $13B health system wanted to protect its clinicians and approached e360 to come up with a user-friendly, automated solution that would facilitate compliance with the legislation.
The Solution
e360’s automation consultants initiated the engagement with a discovery process. They reviewed the legislation’s requirements, the CURES database and lookup process, and the clinician’s workflow. The latter piece revealed the need to create a mobile-friendly solution based on the fact that clinicians traveled between facilities and offices, and would need to access the tool from all locations.
With requirements in hand, our engineering team set out to design and architect a solution to automate the CURES database lookup requirement by clinicians. Using Python GUI, the team was able to emulate a clinician’s workflow, and design a solution with the end user experience in mind. Additionally, the team’s “build by committee” philosophy ensured that the appropriate client stakeholders were involved and had the opportunity to provide input throughout the engagement. Once the initial proof of concept (POC) was approved by the client, e360 architected a production version of the solution that was deployed to a beta set of physicians for canary testing.
The final solution was an automated script that ran behind the Epic electronic medical record within each clinician’s virtual desktop. When a provider initiated a prescription for a controlled substance within Epic, our solution logged into the CURES database using each clinician’s personal login information, and ran a query of the patient’s name. The tool then created a pop-up alert with a list of potential name matches to the patient. The provider could then review the list to determine whether the patient should, or should not, be prescribed a controlled substance based on historical use.
The Impact
Entisys360’s automated CURES database lookup solution achieved a number of benefits for the client both directly related to the challenge at hand as well as beyond.
First, the solution achieved the primary goal of simplifying the clinician experience to ensure compliance with the new CURES database lookup requirement. Automation resulted in a hundredfold reduction in administrative time for clinicians. The manual process took approximately 5 minutes compared to Entisys360’s automation solution which takes only a few seconds.
Second, when initially presented with the problem, the client’s IT team did not think a solution could be integrated into Epic. Our consultants had the technical expertise to propose and leverage Python GUI as a way to achieve this integration. Through this process Entisys360 supported the client to innovate in a way that they couldn’t previously. This equipped their IT team with a new tool to apply to future challenges.