Navigating the Future of Virtualization with VMware owned by Broadcom

Looking to navigate the complexities of VMware’s new ownership by Broadcom? Discover how our Hypervisor Workshop can guide you through licensing changes, financial considerations, and alternative solutions to maximize your virtualization strategy...


  • Learn about VMware's new packaging and licensing model.
  • Understand how your specific licensing maps to VMware’s new model/suites.
  • Clearly understand the financial considerations moving forward.
  • Learn about Hypervisor/Virtualization alternatives.
  • Help you to technically evaluate these alternative options based on your specific needs.
  • Begin a roadmap to maximize the value of your Hypervisor/virtualization investments.


Join Our Expert-Led Workshop

Workshop Overview

Are you concerned about the financial implications & innovation impacts of continuing to use VMware's technology in light of the Broadcom acquisition? Our Hypervisor Workshop is designed to help you understand your options and make informed decisions about your virtualization & data center needs.

As a premier solution integrator, e360 has decades of experience helping our clients navigate complex technology transitions. This one is no different. Our Solutions Architects are some of the most recognized experts in the industry and are committed to helping you solve your most compelling business challenges.

Workshop Objectives:

  1. Learn about VMware's new packaging and licensing model.
  2. Understand how your specific licensing maps to VMware’s new model/suites
  3. Clearly understand the financial considerations moving forward.
  4. Learn about Hypervisor/Virtualization alternatives.
  5. Help you to technically evaluate these alternative options based on your specific needs.
  6. Begin a roadmap to maximize the value of your Hypervisor/virtualization investments.

Workshop Format and Customization:

The Hypervisor Workshop is available in-person or virtually, and we tailor the session to your specific needs. To ensure the most effective workshop, we ask clients to complete a brief technical questionnaire to help us understand their unique situation, current licensing method, and pressing concerns.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Reset budget expectations and allocate dollars in the most valuable way.
  2. Maximize the value of VMware's technology.
  3. Explore and pilot new solutions that may serve your hypervisor needs in the future.

What You Can Expect:

During the workshop, our expert consultants will guide you through a comprehensive review of the current virtualization landscape, focusing on the impact of the Broadcom acquisition on VMware's products and services. We will discuss the implications of VMware's new packaging and licensing model and help you understand how it may affect your organization.

Additionally, we will present alternative virtualization solutions and discuss their potential benefits and drawbacks. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and insights needed to make informed decisions about your virtualization strategy.

Register for the Hypervisor Workshop Today

Gain valuable insights and learn about your options in the evolving Hypervisor/virtualization landscape. 

We look forward to helping you navigate the future of virtualization with confidence and success.